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March 02, 2007

"The Last Colony" Tour Dates: First Draft

As you all know, I'm doing a book tour this spring in support of The Last Colony. We're still in the process of packing in dates and appearances and so on and so forth, but here's what we have confirmed so far:

April 24: Seattle, WA
April 25: Half Moon Bay, CA
April 26: San Francisco, CA
April 27: Berkeley, CA
April 28: Los Angeles, CA
May 1: San Diego, CA
May 2: Portland, OR
May 4: Milwaukee, WI
May 5: Minneapolis, MN

Actual locations and appearance times to come, along with the "official" name of the tour (since so many of you have said "hey, what ever happened with that tour naming thing?"). And as I noted above, we're likely to cram in a couple more appearances into the tour. But generally, this is where I'll be and when. Mark your calendars!

Posted by john at March 2, 2007 05:34 PM

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Chang, father of pangolins | March 2, 2007 05:41 PM


And what of the East Coast, your highness? Is there no love for the East Coast?

John Scalzi | March 2, 2007 05:43 PM

Not this time around, I'm afraid. Nor for the south. But, presumably, there will be other book tours. That is, if this one works like it's supposed to.

Amanda J | March 2, 2007 05:44 PM

Chang, apparently there is not. There is no love of Florida, specifically, I notice.

Sigh. I'm going to have to move northwest or something.

Amanda J | March 2, 2007 05:55 PM

Yipes! Upon posting, I noticed John had already responded to Chang...

Scalzi, just consider Florida for a future book tour. We have, like, weather and stuff down here, so you might want to consider scheduling in non-hurricane season.

Just saying.

Miscellaneous Steve | March 2, 2007 06:07 PM

See you in Seattle, John. I'm stoked. China Mieville tonight (at the University Bookstore) and Scalzi next month. Sweet.

Nathan | March 2, 2007 06:08 PM

Well if there's no NYC visit, I ain't buyin' the T-shirt. Or beret. Or whatever.

John Scalzi | March 2, 2007 06:09 PM

Tell China I said hi, Steve.

Chang, father of pangolins | March 2, 2007 06:12 PM

Chang sad.

Chang's perfect day come to crashing end.

Time to eat rest of brownie's and sulk through dinner.

Chris | March 2, 2007 06:14 PM

It's a california state tour! Well, that's good for me, since it means I can probably pop on over when you visit San Fran.

Bookninja | March 2, 2007 06:17 PM

Powell's in Portland?

Lisa | March 2, 2007 06:24 PM

I'm hoping Powell's in Portland, too. Because then a) I could get there, and b) I could probably find someplace in that big store to stuff my kids (with a friend, of course) so that their impromptu conversations about Elmo and Dora wouldn't be too distracting from your reading/talk/signing/whatever.

So, yeah, for Portland!

Old Jarhead | March 2, 2007 06:27 PM

John, In Seattle - the guy wearing long johns decorated to look like a "unitard", carrying an AirSoft "bullpup" weapon, all exposed skin surfaces painted green, protuberant nipples... that won't be me.

Old Jarhead

Codrus | March 2, 2007 06:28 PM

Woot! I'll see you in Seattle then.

You are the second author in the next 2 months to start their tour in Seattle. Is there a reason for that pattern? Am I seeing patterns where there are none?

Jay Lake | March 2, 2007 06:32 PM

You going to be in Portland long enough for me to be a hostly friend, or are you just blazing through?

Dan Bailey | March 2, 2007 06:37 PM

Appearing @ Dreamhaven Books when you're in Minneapolis?

I'll be happy to buy you a beer when you're in town -- I should actually be employed by then. *crossed fingers*

Kevin | March 2, 2007 06:37 PM

I'm putting in a request for Colorado Springs, CO. Or at least Denver. Tattered Cover is a good independent bookstore there, and of course the big chains are there too.

PixelFish | March 2, 2007 06:38 PM

My boyfriend still likes the name Puddle of Heads.

Carol Elaine | March 2, 2007 06:44 PM

Nope, that isn't me in the corner, throwing a tantrum because I'll be out of town when Scalzi makes it to Los Angeles, as I'll be in freaking San Diego for political stuff. Which means I'll miss him the weekend after my birthday, which means, hey, sucky birthday - thanks!

That's my evil twin Skippy throwing the tantrum in the corner. 'Cause she's like evil and spoiled and stuff...

Old Jarhead | March 2, 2007 06:55 PM

Hopefully your appearance will be better attended and more congenial than when John Ringo came here a couple of months ago at the University Bookstore. Ringo's "Ghost" series are a Guilty Pleasure for me but I don't think he bonded with the small band of afficionados. A whiff of Ellisonish attitude? Without the Ellisonish genius?

Of course since we are all such close friends already (what do you mean just words on a screen, we're tight! Dude!) we will expect you to be charming,literate, brilliant and charismatic so that we will carry you out of the signing venue on a sedan chair to a suitable watering hole where you can regale us with insider tales of Cons past and the bizarre eccentricities of otherwise respectable authors.

The actual event will be marked, naturally, by the attempt of us REAL fans to differentiate ourselves from the dilettantes and Johnny (or Jill)-come lately literary arrivistes by asking rhetorical questions in relation to the OMW/GB/TLC world, seeking enlightenment on meaning of the third clause of the second sentence on page 37 of OMW and other such endearing charms.

Damn! I'm looking forward to it!

Old Jarhead

Mary Kay | March 2, 2007 06:56 PM

So is that Seattle reading at the University bookstore? Or Elliot Bay? Or what?


John | March 2, 2007 07:39 PM

Looked forward to seeing you in Portland. I've had your Portland visit marked on the calendar since the middle of last month.

John | March 2, 2007 07:40 PM


Yes, according Peter the SciFi guy it'll be powell's beaverton.

Steve Thorn | March 2, 2007 07:44 PM

Where's Books&Co, or anything 'round them Dayton parts? Where's your love for the Buckeyes, John?

PixelFish | March 2, 2007 08:03 PM

Old Jarhead: Speaking for myself, I think you will be completely fulfilled in your expectations, as when I met the Scalzi, he was indeed charming, literate, et al. He is also completely portable and contains eleven essential nutrients.

Adam Rakunas | March 2, 2007 08:04 PM

Excellent. Hope the Los Angeles spot will be a good one like Vroman's.

Karen Funk Blocher | March 2, 2007 08:19 PM

Darn it, will you ever visit my time zone? (Of course, if you go to Montana that still doesn't do me any good.)

Ah, well, at least I can read my copy of Coffee Shop when I should be, you know, writing.

Jeremiah | March 2, 2007 08:33 PM

But...but...Pennsylvania is sooo close. You know you want to come to the book metropolis of Harrisburg. ...ok maybe not.

J at The Dundies | March 2, 2007 09:14 PM

Start touring two days after Penguicon. Brutal.

John Scalzi | March 2, 2007 09:20 PM

Nah. Penguicon's gonna be fun.

Tom Nixon | March 2, 2007 09:45 PM

Ummm, John, how do you go to all those places and not visit Fresno? Given how your life has transpired since working for the Fresno Bee, I'm guessing that they would do an article on you (and promote the visit).


John Scalzi | March 2, 2007 10:02 PM

Tom, are you under the impression I actually schedule my tour?

Michael Dean | March 2, 2007 10:04 PM

I'll be at the Seattle stop.

John Scalzi | March 2, 2007 10:21 PM

Excellent. I'll be wearing a carnation, so you'll be sure to know it's me.

claire | March 2, 2007 10:42 PM

now i know that you will be in the bay area for three days. i claim a drink! you cannot escape!

Bryan | March 2, 2007 10:57 PM

You are in Milwaukee, but no stop in Chicagoland? Where's the love?

Justin | March 2, 2007 11:09 PM

Well if this isn't the cherry on top of my Friday sundae! Scalzi in Seattle! Too cool!

Jason M. Robertson | March 2, 2007 11:13 PM

Mark me down as another plaintive Chicagoland advocate. I bet I could haul a pretty decent chicago-sf.org contingent along all told...

Joyce Reynolds-Ward | March 2, 2007 11:13 PM

Powells in Beaverton????


A weeknight. A work night.

Dang. So close, and yet so far...no way I can make it over to Beaverton; not when I work up on the Mountain and have to be up at oh-dark-thirty to get there....

Neth | March 2, 2007 11:18 PM

Arizona !?

Please try for a stop in Arizona - The Poisoned Pen or Changing Hands are your best bets.

glinda | March 2, 2007 11:24 PM

*plugs Seattle date into calendar*


*also makes note to set money aside for ferry and parking*

Lori | March 3, 2007 12:18 AM

It makes sense for you to schedule a stop in Chicago as with all that jetting around you'll probably have to fly through O'Hare at least once. There will undoubtedly be a delay, so effective time management says you should make the most of it and instead of having six Cinnabons use that time to meet your legions of Chicago fans.

CaseyL | March 3, 2007 12:40 AM

Well, drat. I'll be out of town when you're in Seattle.

I can't really complain, though, since I'll be in Prague.

Have fun, and sell many, many books!

Miscellaneous Steve | March 3, 2007 12:57 AM

Tell China I said hi, Steve.


Just got back from the reading where I delivered your message. When I did, China broke into a big smile and said, "Send him Big Ups back from me." So, consider yourself "Big Upped."

During the signing portion of the evening, I was standing in line behind a girl of ten or eleven and her mom. She chatted for a bit with China while he signed her book and she must have mentioned something about his drawings (he'd brought some to show during the reading) because the next thing I knew China had gotten up, retrieved the folder that held the drawings and chosen out two to give to the girl. She was stunned and delighted at the same time. It was, without a doubt, the coolest thing I've ever seen at a reading.

mote | March 3, 2007 01:11 AM

Is there any change you might be touring in Canada at some point?

Jim Wright | March 3, 2007 01:11 AM

What! Seattle? That's only like 4 hours away from Anchorage by Alaskan Airlines. Man, nobody ever comes up here. Be the first, John, be daring, be a pioneer, come to Alaska in the winter. We've got a Barnes&Nobles, a Borders, and Titlewave - the biggest friggin' used bookstore you've ever seen. Come on, please don't make me have to beg. You know you want to.

mote | March 3, 2007 01:12 AM

...and by that I mean is there any "chance"...

Sue | March 3, 2007 08:24 AM

Oh well, so much for my hopes you'd come to Austin or San Antonio.

SF Ray Area | March 3, 2007 09:10 AM

Oh well...
Just remember when you are in Berkeley, or SF, or Half Moon Bay I would have gladly graced you with my presence ;). But you can always redo your schedule to hit NorCal from the 30th March-7th April. I will be there with family. After that my wife is returning to Austria with me for 10 days....
Not a chance huh?
Wo ist meine Schnaaps?!?!

Tim Walker | March 3, 2007 09:25 AM

Where's Austin on this list? Waa-haaa . . . !!

**little-kid tantrum**

mythago | March 3, 2007 11:31 AM

I piggyback on claire and lay claim to Scalzi-drinking. Any idea which bookstore(s) in SF yet, John?

(Also, inquiring minds would like to know how to say "Big Ups" in Chinese.)

Tania | March 3, 2007 03:07 PM

To add on to Mr. Wright's comments regarding Alaska - I can guarantee you a group of 4 that would roadtrip the 400 miles to Anchorage just to bask in your presence.

Dane | March 3, 2007 03:41 PM

You come and talk at the Highschool I teach at and I will put you up in swanky Houston digs for two days...there are bound to be some Scif-Fi fans you can visit here in the city that maintains the existence of US space travel.

cherie priest | March 3, 2007 04:10 PM

Hurrah for Scalzi in Seattle! If you're game/not too busy/remotely interested, I'd be delighted to drag you and yours out for drinks or coffee. Or goth dancing. Or yanno. Whatever. :)

John Scalzi | March 3, 2007 04:14 PM


Indeed, if we don't spend quality time together in Seattle, I'm never speaking to you again.

RooK | March 3, 2007 05:14 PM

Powell's in Beaverton?!?!

Dude, that's just not right. The Powell's Powell's in the Powell's district of downtown Portland is the motherfuckin' MECCA of bookstores. If they would accept rent money from me, I'd live there. Plus it's easily within coercion distance of bars and coffee shops where I could try to buy you a beverage.

The beaverton location is just a fringe appendage in the middle of the suburban sprawl nightmare that is the festering array of Beaverton writhing hungrily on the corpse of the farmland killed to make way for the McMansion-dwelling throngs.

Even the Hawthorne district Powell's massively kicks ass on the Beaverton location, because it's an old funky neighbourhood, and also surrounded by suitable beverage purveyors. (And one cool pub/theatre offering cheap movies and beer)

I suspect that the fine beancounters at Powell's are hoping to drum up interest in their newest location. It's a pity, and if your tour-coordinator is even the slightest bit hoopy, that frood would definitely try to get you in at the main Powell's.

I'm just sayin'.

-et- | March 4, 2007 01:33 AM

Old Jarhead said:
"Of course since we are all such close friends already (what do you mean just words on a screen, we're tight! Dude!) we will expect you to be charming, literate, brilliant and charismatic so that we will carry you out of the signing venue on a sedan chair to a suitable watering hole where you can regale us with insider tales of Cons past and the bizarre eccentricities of otherwise respectable authors."

Having seen John in action at Worldcon last summer, I can assure you that he is at least as hyperactive in person as he appears on your computer screen - I think he operates on a permanent sugar high. In fact, other than certain obvious physical differences, I kept thinking that I was seeing the personification of Miles Vorkosigan from the novels of Lois McMaster Bujold.

Jim Wright said:
"Be the first, John, be daring, be a pioneer, come to Alaska in the winter. We've got a Barnes&Nobles, a Borders, and Titlewave - the biggest friggin' used bookstore you've ever seen. Come on, please don't make me have to beg. You know you want to."

John might not be as impressed by Titlewave as you expect. Since he grew up in the Los Angleles area, there is a chance he has been to "Acres of Books" in Long Beach. THAT is a used book store in which a bookaholic can get permanently lost!

With best wishes,
- Tom -

Fin | March 4, 2007 09:27 PM

John, you should definitely try to make a stop in the Seminary Co-op at the U of C. We haven't had anyone interesting since Obama.

Nicole J. LeBoeuf-Little | March 4, 2007 11:22 PM

Ditto'ing Kevin: DENVER DENVER DENVER DENVER DENVER!!!!, dammit!

You can stay with us and annoy our cats and everything! Because your cat-annoying capabilities are tres l33t, and I for one would love to see Uno wearing bacon.

Jason M. Robertson | March 5, 2007 02:29 AM

I'm guessing for the Seminary Co-op the 57th Street store would be the spot. Can't say it would put me out, conveniently located and all. Perhaps it would be a good place to drum up a little demand.

Carol Elaine | March 5, 2007 01:13 PM

Adam Rakunas, I think John's appearance in Los Angeles will be at the Festival of Books at UCLA. Unless there's another appearance elsewhere on the same day.

Daniel | March 5, 2007 01:42 PM

Don't forget Sac-Town! We are in need of some Scalzi action in the capitol city. I know its no San Diego with the palm trees and 70 degree days and the beach and all, but we've got, um, trees, and um, the Sacramento River! and Sutter's Fort! How can you pass these things up?

laura | March 5, 2007 11:36 PM

whoo-hoo! scalzi's coming to cali....you need to come to the central valley...tracy is a happening place, dude.
my husband suggestd you stop over for dinner too.
i'll be watching for details.

Anonymous | March 6, 2007 10:15 AM

Finally, we're seeing you in Mpls! The bookstore hosting the signing announced it in their last newsletter, and it's been on the calendar since then. :-)

Ann Vallier | March 6, 2007 10:25 AM

Super woot! Milwaukee! Gotta remember to get that day off work.

(goes to squee quietly in corner of cubicle)

dave | March 6, 2007 07:42 PM

I'll be bringing my copy of TAD to half moon bay for some author love signage.

Anonymous | March 7, 2007 01:48 AM

Tom, are you under the impression I actually schedule my tour?

Naah, but such a strong connection...

However, no science fiction bookstores within 200 miles. Only Borders and Barnes & Noble.


Omaha Lisa | March 7, 2007 09:07 PM


Ok, your're worth the drive to Minneapolis.

Would you autograph my Scathing Review as well as my Coffee Shop? (I just got word that B&N is shipping to today)

Omaha Lisa | March 7, 2007 09:32 PM


Ok, your're worth the drive to Minneapolis.

Would you autograph my Scathing Review as well as my Coffee Shop? (I just got word that B&N is shipping to today)

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