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October 26, 2006

You've Been Reaped! Adorably!

I've got nothing for you today -- really, all day long thinking has been just like trying to sprint through molasses -- so here's a picture of Athena as the Grim Reaper, in front of, oh, I don't know, Mount Doom:

I had an even better one of her in front of a Hieronymus Bosch tapestry, but she didn't like it and exercised her veto power. So you get this one. It's still pretty darn cute.

Oh, yes: Open thread. Enjoy yourselves as only you know how.

Posted by john at October 26, 2006 05:49 PM

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Steve Buchheit | October 26, 2006 06:00 PM

How can you not like Bosch? I mean, scissors with ears and legs, bird people, fish people, people buildings, fabulous and excellent stuff. Of course, she has the scythe so game over.

Chang, dopier than most... | October 26, 2006 06:04 PM

As much as I support our gay brothers and sisters - having had one of the first lesbian weddings in our backyard (those dykes DRINK!) - I was getting tired of the fellas macking it up in celebration. Even though I support their right to do so.

Been a slow day here, too. Lil' Changette was sick, but not so sick we couldn't spend the AM watching kitten videos on youtube. Real kitten videos not the other kind.

Athena looks great in her outfit! She's almost as cute as Death! Lil' Changette is going as a devil. She's been taunting the boys by wearing the headband for the outfit with her wee horns. Just like her mother.

Me, I've been making posters and writing. And trying to suss out what my nanomachines would do.

What would your nanomachines do? Mine poop metal!

Steve Buchheit | October 26, 2006 06:18 PM

Chang, mine would dozy doh, then maybe promenade around the back.

Nathan | October 26, 2006 06:27 PM

Please tell Athena we're begging to see the Bosch version. Maybe she'll take pity on us.

As to Chang's nanomachines. I'd be ambivalent about primary function, but if they won't do dishes and windows, the hell with them.

Anne C. | October 26, 2006 06:35 PM

Athena's a pretty jaunty reaper. Looks like she enjoys her job.

CJ-in-Weld | October 26, 2006 06:41 PM

My nanomachines would roam the house and remove particles of dust and dirt. But they would stay away from potting soil.

Scott Mactavish | October 26, 2006 06:42 PM

Hey Scalzatians (tm):

Since this is open-thread Thursday, I thought I'd post a recent primer on the mechanics of a non-fiction book deal.

Mind you, this is the way I personally kick it in the publishing schnizzle, and YMMV depending on genre and publisher.



Josh Jasper | October 26, 2006 09:18 PM

"I said reaped! He used a scythe!"

John Scalzi | October 26, 2006 09:35 PM

I was wondering when that was going to show up.

Steve Buchheit | October 26, 2006 10:08 PM

Actually, looking at the photo I keep hearing Fischer Stevens saying "Kitty" in the voice of Sophie from Christopher Moores' "A Dirty Job."

Joe Hass | October 26, 2006 11:42 PM

The only thing missing is a button that says, "New, but eager to help!"

Djscman | October 27, 2006 12:54 AM

Athena has a kinda Dianetics thing going on...that's plenty scary!

Timothy McClanahan | October 27, 2006 02:24 AM

My nanomachines would stay crunchy in milk! Oh yes, they certainly would. Mmmm, crunchy nanomachines in millllllk...

Mary | October 27, 2006 04:42 AM

Nanomachines that clean? Yes, please. I'll have another.
We've gotten a new member in our household recently who sheds. I'd like the Hooverite Nanomachine Super Deluxe SuckerUpper, if you please.

rhandir spots comment spam wayy back in time | October 27, 2006 01:45 PM

back in this old thread:

"close the blast doors! close the blast doors!"
"open the blast doors! open the blast doors!"

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