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September 20, 2006

Thoughts on The Last Colony


As I often do when I finish up a novel, I have a couple post-writing thoughts on The Last Colony. Here's what I'm thinking about it at the moment.

* First, I like this book, which was not a guaranteed thing, let me tell you. There was a fair amount of time at the beginning of the writing where I was sure I didn't like this book, and, naturally, that would have been a problem. This book ending up having to prove to me that it was worth liking, and worth me writing. I think eventually it made its case pretty well, and once it did, I had to make sure that I made the case for the book to the readers. I've been very lucky that Old Man's War and The Ghost Brigades have been well-received, and I didn't want to trip up here at the finish line. I don't think I did.

* Spare a moment, if you will, for Sameer Desai. Who is he, you ask? Well, he's the main character of The Last Colony whom you will never meet. Originally, I was going to do in TLC what I did in OMW and TGB, which was to introduce a new main character and then have some recurring characters in the background. In this case Sam was going to be my new main character: A young American of Indian ancestry who through various turns of plot found himself herded onto a colonization ship one step ahead of the law and to a new colony, which would be headed up by John Perry and Jane Sagan. While there, he and Zoe Boutin (now 18 years old or so) would make a discovery that would threaten the safety of the entire colony, complete with a possible interstellar war. You know, like you do. Eventually he and Zoe would figure out what the Hell to do and off we'd go to the happy ending.

The problem was, the more I wrote Sam -- and I got about four chapters into the book with him -- the more I didn't like him. Fact was, he was something of an unlovable, whiny twit, and eventually I found myself pushing the plot along without regard to story quality just so I could get to John and Jane and Zoe. At which point I thought, well, crap, if I'm really interested in John and Jane and Zoe, what the hell am I doing with this jerk? So, as I believe I mentioned before, what I ended up doing is taking Sam for a walk to that old abandoned well I have on my property (metaphorically if not literally) and pushing him down into it. Then I went back to my office and wrote an e-mail to Patrick Nielsen Hayden, my editor, which went as such: "My main character was an annoying putz. I've pushed him down a well and you'll never meet him. I'll need a couple of extra months to finish the book." To which PNH's response, to his credit, was: "Fine."

I don't know how much I should really blame poor Sam for this; in some ways he's the victim here, and not just because I've pushed him down a well. It's entirely possible that someone else could have written him better; it's possible that he was the right character, just in the wrong book. Whatever the reason, however, I just couldn't hang with the boy, and now he's gone. If you ever visit the Scalzi Compound and hear a muffled yelling, as if from a desperate voice somewhere underground, do try to ignore it. Don't want to encourage Sam.

* Once Sam was out of the way, I got it into my head to do something I thought was clever, which was that I planned to alternate first-person chapters, with John Perry as the main character, with third-person chapters, which would feature a new character, an alien named General Tarsem Gau. And I wrote four chapters of that book before I realized something, which was that if I kept writing the book like this, the book would end up being 200,000 words long. And there were two problems with that: The first was that I was contractually obliged to turn in a book about 100k long, and the second being that if I tried to write a book that was 200k long, I might have to murder myself (to give you perspective, the book ended up being 91k long, and both OMW and TGB were in the 94k-96k range). What I was writing was good, in my opinion; the problem was it was just too much. Thus, another craven e-mail to PNH explaining the situation, and then another overhaul of the story. Out went the third-person chapters, and in came a new focus on John Perry and his point of view.

This frankly turned out to be a blessing. One of the mechanical aspects of the book is that it employs just in time plot, which is to say that as John Perry goes along he keeps uncovering new information about his situation which gives that happened before new context (as I've explained before: it's twisty). If you keep yanking the reader around from one character to another, and from first-person to third-person narration, that sort of "reveal more" mechanism doesn't work as well -- or at least, it wasn't working as well for me. Once I settled down and stuck with Perry's point of view, things came rather a bit easier. And as a consequence, the book became better.

* And indeed, I think this is a good book. One of the things that I like about it is that although it has more than enough action in it -- ships blowing up, people bringing guns to knife fights and so on -- it's less of an action story and more of a poltical thriller. The first two books in the series have hinted at what sort of government the Colonial Union is and why; this book goes rather a bit deeper into that aspect of things. I won't go too much into it because I don't want to give away much about the book; I will say that I think the folks who wanted to learn more about the CU and how and why it does things will get a kick out of this book.

* As many of you know, when I wrote The Ghost Brigades I wrote it so that people who hadn't read Old Man's War would be able to read it as a stand alone. When I started The Last Colony, the intent was to do this again -- in effect, have three stand alone books in the same universe. But once John Perry and Jane Sagan became the lead characters, I rethought that philosophy. Also, when I was writing TGB, I was working under the assumption that not a whole lot of people would have had the opportunity to read OMW yet. Here and now, the assumptions are a little different; OMW was Hugo nominee, TGB is selling very well in hardcover, and when TLC comes out in hardcover both OMW and TGB will be in mass-market paperback. It's safer to assume some of the folks interested in TLC will have read at least one of the previous books, or that one of the other two books will be on hand from them to grab as well.

So: The Last Colony is a sequel. I think it's possible to read it without reading the other two and still have a good time with it, but this time around, reading at least one of the other two will help, and having read both will be best of all.

* Yes, this is the last book in the "Old Man" series. This is not to suggest I won't come back to this particular universe; I may. Indeed, I've been giving some thought to writing some shorter work in this universe, just for fun. But this is the last novel that will feature these particular characters, in this particular time, and, as it happens, I do something in the novel that pretty much assures that I can't go back.

Bwa ha ha ha ha! That's right! I did! And I won't tell you what it is! You have to wait until May! Bwa ha ha ha ha!

No, really, I did. No, really, I won't tell you now.

But even if I hadn't, three books is sufficient. I like this universe I've created, and I like my characters, particularly Jane Sagan, who is the only character to appear in all three books -- indeed, you could make the argument that these three books are about her journey in this universe -- but I think the secret of building a successful SF universe is like the secret of attending a good party: Leave while you're still having fun. I've had a great amount of fun in this universe. It seems like a good time to head to the exit, at least as far as the novels are concerned.

* For those of you wondering, the illustration above is the one which -- I think -- will be featured on the book cover. It's by John Harris, who did the trade paper cover of OMW and the hardcover for TGB. It's keeping with the theme and all.

Also, for all those who want to know, the current plan is to have The Last Colony in the stores in May 2007. It's a birthday present to me!

* What I'm going to do now: Take a break, man. I'm taking nap through the rest of September, and then it's time to start The Secret Project I Can't Tell You About Yet. But I will tell you this about it: It's complex enough that I'm going to do something that I've never done with a book before:


Yes, boys and girls, when I decide it's time to outline a novel, you know things are getting weird. I hope you like it, when it comes out in late 2007.

Posted by john at September 20, 2006 01:05 PM

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Ron | September 20, 2006 01:43 PM

"Yes, this is the last book in the "Old Man" series."

So now we can start with the fanfic, right?

Paul | September 20, 2006 01:44 PM

Is it May yet? (Can't pre-order on Amazon yet; I checked)

Jacob | September 20, 2006 02:07 PM

In my writing there is problem/And that problem is the Sam
He is very very whiny/And he'll never let things go

Throw the putz down the well/So Last Colony can be free
You must push the little Desei/And we have a big party

Nathan | September 20, 2006 02:17 PM

Yo, I'm up to page 209 in TGB and Zoe Boutin is, like dead, dude. You told me so yourself. You wouldn't lie to us, would you?

Actually, I'm loving TGB. Love that I got to meet new characters. Loved going through GB Boot Camp.

Also, thanks for telling readers who haven't read OMW the background info they need without making those of us who did read it want to rip our hair out. (for an example of the bad variety, read some W.E.B. Griffin; I like his stories, but is it sheer laziness that makes him cut and paste entire passages from previous books?)

Lastly, a question. I'm making a second stab at writing something I started a few years ago (a political farce), and I'm using the first person/third person alternating chapters structure. It seemed the only way to tell the reader things that the Protagonist has no way of knowing. Does this necessarily force the word count up?

John Scalzi | September 20, 2006 02:22 PM


I don't think it has to, but it did in my case.

Carol Elaine | September 20, 2006 03:02 PM


"Yes, this is the last book in the "Old Man" series."

So now we can start with the fanfic, right?

Oh, dear. Not the Cainen/Dirac slash, I hope. Their knees don't even bend in the same direction.

Janiece | September 20, 2006 03:24 PM

While I feel empathy for the unfortunate Sam (who wants to live out their days at the bottom of Scalzi's literary well, after all?), I have to say I'm pleased and excited to hear that John Perry plays a primary role in TLC. I genuinely like John, and was somewhat disappointed that he was off doing his own thing during TGB. It's always nice to have characters you can care about, rather than hoping they get bitch-slapped out of the story as soon as possible.

Side note: Three cheers for PNH, who allows Scalzi the freedom he needs to provide us with stories we'll love.

Chang | September 20, 2006 04:04 PM

Christ on a crutch it's only 91K? WHy so short. Groan... I can't wait. Sounds insane.

Outline? Well, you know how I feel about outlining. Goodluck with that, squid.

John Scalzi | September 20, 2006 04:06 PM

91K isn't particularly short. Most novels these days are between 90k and 110k.

Chang | September 20, 2006 04:17 PM

True dat. I guess it's the good ones that are so short. Mine - uh, the old manuscript, I should say - is a mere 52K. Although the newest draft is slowly turning into a big monster. I beg 91K. With a foreword by Hugo Chavez.

Chang | September 20, 2006 04:25 PM

John, do you have any sort of ritual for finishing up a novel? Besides crashing into the bed and not moving for a few days? I'm thinking of Stepehn King's "Misery" where he smokes a single cigarette and drink the champagne.

I'm finished so little writing in my life that when I do, I kind of sit there and shiver and wait for the voices in my head to calm down. Maybe they're what's keeping me from writing mroe in the first place?

Anne C. | September 20, 2006 04:41 PM

Thanks so much, John, for the glimpse inside your writing process. It gives me hope to know that you experience false starts and have to wrangle plot structure just like the rest of us mortals.
I'm really looking forward to your more ambitious works. No offense to the OMW series (which are definitely fun), but my overriding thought while reading them was "this is good, but I can't wait to see what he does when he [you] stretches his abilities!" Which is to say, I can see that you are stretching yourself incrementally and in considered phases. I want to rush on to see your tenth novel and really get wowed. Fear not, I shall also read your first nine novels while waiting patiently.

Tripp | September 20, 2006 05:01 PM


I know exactly what you mean. John has so much potential. I can hardly wait until he gets, you know, good.

Joke - we joke, it's a joke, okay?

Colin F | September 20, 2006 05:46 PM

John, hope you enjoy well deserved rest!

Can you give us a hint when we might see TGB released in paperback?

Lenny Bailes | September 20, 2006 06:17 PM

Well, I hope you didn't totally purge the 200K version of TLC from your hard disk. Consider the possibility of stealth marketing it, later, as a rare cult classic.

Jaquandor | September 20, 2006 06:28 PM

So you started out writing a 200K-word doorstop, and abandoned it in favor of brevity.

Sigh. You'll never reach Robert Jordan status if you keep doing things like that.

Dawn B. | September 20, 2006 06:43 PM

I think it is a very good thing that TLC will be more a direct sequel than TGB. One thing that bugged me about TGB was how I felt I was being 'punished' for having read OMW by having to read information that I already knew presented slighlty differently but usually with at least one new fact buried in fifteen known. I know you wanted new readers to be able to access the story, but I felt that previous readers didn't get a great benefit out of knowing more. Which isn't to say I didn't like the book (I did) or that there were no rewards (there were) for having read OMW. Just that I think the book was weighted toward newcomers so I am happy to have one weighted toward previous fans.

Rob B | September 20, 2006 10:14 PM

Congratulations on finishing the book, John. Like most of these other folks, I'm looking forward to reading the book next May.

Nathan | September 20, 2006 10:21 PM

I just finished The Ghost Brigades and I'm gonna go to Amazon and find out if they've got an option for me to pre-order anything you write from now on....in perpetuity.

Thank you for writing.

Stefanie Loh | September 21, 2006 01:07 AM

Hi John,

This is my first time on your blog... just wanted to say that I absolutely loved Old Man's War, and that you're an awesome military-science fiction but not military, military science fiction writer. Does that make any sense? You write mil-sci-fi and turn it into less of a military novel and more of a social commentary and I love it! Thanks! Can't wait to read TLC. Hope you crank out another similar series soon. You've made me a fan.


John Scalzi | September 21, 2006 07:29 AM

Thanks, Stef. Yes, I know what you mean, and I'm glad you like it.

Smurf | September 21, 2006 08:10 AM

Uncle Sameer should have been killed off as violently as possible. Think of the movie, man..... All these people in the theater, knowing that Sam is the protagonist and that he'll win in the end.... when BIFF BAM BOOM... someone blows his head off for no reason. They then play soccer with his skull.

Killing off the main character early in the story rarely happens in movies these days. People like Ebert won't see it coming, and they'll be blown away- well, not like Sam was blown away, but you get the point.

You'll start a new trend in moviemaking, and actors/actresses will be judged by their death scenes. Hell, maybe we've stumbled upon the one thing Paris Hilton may be able to do.

Sue | September 21, 2006 08:31 AM

I'd just like to point out that annoying putzes aren't all that bad. Christopher Moore's made a career off them. Of course, his have redeeming qualities, which helps.

Kendoway | September 21, 2006 10:45 AM

Sameer: It is very cold, and wet down here. I am shivering....

Little Girl From The Ring: Hey, at least we have each other.

Sameer: Stupid writers. If they spend less time taping bacon to cats, and more time developing my character, I'd be alive and well.

Little Girl From The Ring: Don't sweat it. I have a plan to crawl out his TV set later on tonight.

hal | September 21, 2006 11:54 AM

I look forward to the new book.

Eric | September 21, 2006 01:06 PM

Well, I hope you didn't totally purge the 200K version of TLC from your hard disk. Consider the possibility of stealth marketing it, later, as a rare cult classic.

Be careful what you wish for: Stephen King ruined The Stand when he re-released it. Turned out that all the stuff he'd left had been cut for a reason. Same could be said for a number of movies, including the Star Wars trilogy.

Not to cast any aspersions on any of the pages John is leaving out. Just to say that it's better to leave the audience wanting more than to risk them wishing you'd have quit while you were ahead.

John: congrats on getting the book done.

Michael G | October 20, 2006 02:01 PM

OK, I am way too excited about this book, I can't stand it. MAY '07, OMG, I can't eait until then!!! I guess i have no choice though. If this book is ANYTHING like OMW and TGB, it will be fantastic. I have read many, many Sci-Fi/Fantasy novels and this series has to be my favorite!!! My previous favorites, to give you all perspective on my taste in Sci-Fi were I, Robot and The Foundation Trilogy. Isaac Asimov is my favorite Sci-Fi writer, at least until I read Scalzi!!! Now the two are tied for the lead. I am so eagerly awaiting this book that I am scouring the internet to get ANY tidbit of info about it that I can get. At least I only have about 11 days until The Android's Dream comes out. That will have to hold me over until TLC comes out. If only I could get and advanced copy, I could die a happy man! Keep 'em coming Mr. Scalzi, you have definatly made your mark!!!

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